All parents are automatically members of the PTFA (email address: The association makes a huge contribution to the success of the school, supporting students in so many ways.
Charity Number 287878
News and events from the PTFA
Dear Parents and Carers,
On behalf of the PTFA we would like to welcome you and your child to Furze Platt Senior School. The PTFA at Furze Platt has been very active over the past year helping raise funds through a variety of different means - both through one-off events and regular contribution schemes.
The chief similarity with a primary or junior school PTA is that our main role is, and will always be, fundraising. It is one of the most damaging myths that a senior school PTA isn’t present/doesn’t matter. However, there is a distinct shift away from organising set piece events (such as fairs) to ongoing fundraisers (such as the 200 Club). The 200 Club is now our main fundraiser and we would encourage as many new parents to sign up as numbers allow. The sign up is now fully online and 4 times a year you might be able to win a big cash prize (current numbers in the 200 club mean three £200 prizes 4 times a year!). The benefit to the PTFA is that with a full complement of numbers we can raise over £5000 every year.
The PTFA has supported a huge variety of projects and events including:
• Minibus running costs
• Science department equipment
• Celebration evening prizes
• Prom night photobooth
• Drama department equipment
• Year 7 playground redevelopment
If you’d like to be involved in what may well prove to be an exciting new era for the PTFA then either get in touch through the school or just turn up to one of our twice-termly meetings - there really is no better way to get to know your child’s new school. We look forward to meeting you soon.
With best wishes
The Furze Platt PTFA
200 Club winning numbers for February 2025
Well done to all our lucky winners!
To purchase 200 Club numbers for our next draw and be in with a chance of winning £200 per number please click here:
- Has anyone lost property? Then use our Locate My Kit Service and let us know by email. For NAMED lost property, you must include: The lost item(s), the child’s name, their year, and their tutor group – we can’t return goods to their owners without these details. For UNNAMED property, let us know the details as above plus the size(s), brand(s), any features, or a style, especially for lost footwear.
- Are you aiming to reclothe your child/children for the New Year? Then use our Click & Collect Service. Email us the specific items and sizes you require. We will pack the goods and leave at Reception ready for your collection.
- Have you any outgrown uniform hanging around? Use our Drop off Service. Please donate to us by leaving in the blue PTFA containers inside Reception.
- EBI (Even better If) we could all name EVERYTHING: all clothing, spectacles & cases, water bottles, lunch boxes, Games footwear, bats/racquets, and special equipment.
Use this link and code for labels and fundraise with us: FR-FURZEPLATTSCHOOL-57
We can help with all these scenarios so email us: during term time.
Matched Funding/Community Support
The Quiz, 200 Club, Uniform Sales and Christmas Concert are looking for a Match – or even a contribution. It’s the smart way to save paying tax and earn FPSS PTFA funds!
Let us know the data your company needs by emailing us or messaging us through Facebook:
PTFA Update
We are extremely grateful to everyone who has volunteered their time, energy, expertise and skills over the last few years because we would not have reached such a phenomenal fundraising achievement without you. However, we would appreciate your assistance again (and everyone else’s) this year please, because we are seeking ways to raise funds to purchase more goods and equipment that the school budget doesn't allow for. We welcome all your ideas and thoughts on activities so please email us:
Who wants to be a Cash Prize Winner? Then join the 200 Club
The Club runs 4 draws per year and you could win £200 cash per number. Your winnings are made by bank transfer very soon after each draw so there’s no hanging around. The PTFA and school could earn £6000+ per year if everyone joined paying £5 per month.
Please click here for more details or below to purchase your numbers
Who Shops online? Then you could Donate for FREE!
Did you know that eBay, Argos, M&S, John Lewis & Partners, Compare The Market and thousands of other retailers will donate a percentage of your shop to us? The PTFA and school will receive a donation from the retailer following your online purchases. We have earned over £4000 over the last few years - please click on the link below to register.
Secondhand Uniform for Sale – who needs spares?
We still have a healthy stock of very good condition uniform (daywear and PE) plus some footwear at very reasonable prices. Payment can be made by bank transfer or by cash. Please email us your sizes and we’ll get your order bagged up and ready for collection:
Matched Funding/Community Support
Do you recognise your employer? If so, please make enquiries regarding their charitable scheme. We were awarded £14,000 recently from various companies. Our registered charity, Furze Platt Senior School PTFA and charity number 287878 will be required, plus some other details so please contact us:
Gift Aid – as if by magic, every £1 becomes £1.25!
We are a Registered Charity, number 287878, and entitled to reclaim thousands of pounds from the HMRC, so please always tick ‘Yes’ when asked.
Uniform – has it gone AWOL already? Can we avoid building a Lost Property Snowman/Mountain? We would greatly appreciate your purchase of any labels (not just clothing ones) from Easy2name because the PTFA will earn commission. Just choose ‘Furze Platt Senior School PTFA SL6’ at the checkout – there’s no special code to remember either!
Donations - Ad hoc or One Off
Should you or anyone you know wish to make a donation without joining The 200 Club or purchasing lots of Secondhand Uniform or labels, then we would be delighted and enormously grateful to receive your electronic payments. There is no contract or regular debit unless you specify otherwise. For our bank details please email us:
Our PTFA is very successful, raising thousands of pounds to purchase equipment and resources to further improve the school. Additionally, the PTFA brings staff and parents together socially in working towards a common goal. This fosters greater links between home and school. And it’s great fun! We always need more helpers, though, to help lighten the load.
How we raise money
Some of the most popular and successful events are:
Numbers are drawn 4 x per year (once per quarter) and if all 200 numbers are in play, three lucky winners could win up to £200 per draw.
200 Club Winning numbers
Draw 28, 4th February 2025: 2, 37,119
Congratulations - the owners of these numbers each win large cash prizes!
Our PTFA could benefit up to £6,000 per year if you join us - so please do support our school and have a chance at winning a large cash prize.
Please click here for more details or below to purchase your numbers:
Monthly payment (£5 per month):
Winning numbers 2017-2024 (Draws 1-27)
Draw 1, 10th November 2017: 9, 41 and 51
Draw 2, 8th February 2018: 7, 39 and 63
Draw 3, 11th May 2018: 26, 30 and 65
Draw 4, 5th July 2018: 1, 6 and 66
Draw 5, 23rd November 2018: 20, 69 and 86
Draw 6, 13th February 2019: 12, 83, and 64
Draw 7, 26th April 2019: 16, 18 and 38
Draw 8, 28th June 2019: 16, 35, 95
Draw 9, 15th November 2019: 18, 75, 103
Draw 10, 11th February 2020: 39, 67, 128
Draw 11, 28th May 2020: 17, 36, 44
Draw 12, 13th July 2020: 71, 91, 113
Draw 13, 1st December 2020: 6, 36, 98
Draw 14, 3rd March 2021: 71, 94, 116
Double Draw:
Draw 15, 29th June 2021: 14, 30, 131
Draw 16, 29th June 2021: 18, 20, 39
Draw 17, 20th October 2021: 1, 41, 109
Draw 18, 27th January 2022: 41, 94, 131
Draw 19, 30th April 2022: 22, 27, 106
Draw 20, 14th July 2022: 21, 41, 76
Draw 21, 17th October 2022: 30, 62, 69
Draw 22, 10 February 2023: 9, 22, 84
Draw 23, 27 April 2023: 19, 56, 76
Draw 24, 17 July 2023: 1, 115, 132
Draw 25, 9th January 2024: 42, 62, 74
Draw 26, 27th February 2024: 30, 37, 55
Draw 27, 6th July 2024: 59, 77, 131
Quiz Nights
Help is always needed with, for example, setting questions and serving behind the bar.
Refreshments for School Events
It not only raises extra funds for the school, but is also a great way to meet teachers and other parents. Help is mainly needed serving beverages and snacks.
Second Hand Games Uniform
You can buy and donate clean, wearable PE kit at our sales. We feel by encouraging recycling at this level students will gain a lifelong skill.
Name Labels
Order your name labels for uniform from and select Furze Platt Senior PTFA as your fundraising group at checkout, for us to receive a small donation.
When shopping online, use log in first and choose Furze Platt Senior School as the cause you support before going on to your chosen retailer's site. It does not cost you a penny but donates to the school. You don't even have to remember to log in each time, as you can click to download the app in your toolbar to activate automatically when you shop at a relevant retailer. This means the school can benefit every time you buy a holiday, outing, electricals, insurance, mobiles, travel, fashion, entertainment and much more, enabling us to fund equipment and opportunities in school.
Please visit and choose to support Furze Platt Senior School.
Thank you for your support.
How we spend the money raised
Requests for equipment and resources are received from the various departments within the school. Did you know the PTFA bought the new bicycle sheds? The aim is to encourage our children to take more exercise, whilst also doing their bit to help the environment. Other purchases include staging, Speech Day prizes, a superb trampoline, external benches, water fountains, the green car and trailer. PTFA members have approved funding for a new saxophone, special ICT equipment for science and money for the Year 11 Prom and much more.
Other ways to help
By giving a donation. Always remember donations are worth more if you can ‘Gift Aid’ them.
By simply coming along and having fun at any of the events we organise.
By attending PTFA meetings. Dates for future meetings will be also be displayed in the school newsletters or in the calendar of events on this site.
Next PTFA meeting date: to be confirmed
We look forward to hearing from you or meeting you at future events.
Best wishes from the PTFA committee.