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The Music Department works alongside the Drama and Dance Department as a Performing Arts Faculty. It is an extremely busy and vibrant space with students not just in their lessons but also spending their free time in rehearsals, working in the recording studio or simply jamming! 

Music has a high profile within the school with healthy numbers opting for Music at GCSE. The Department works with Drama and Dance is a number of cross-curricular arts events. 

We aim to help our students realise their own musical potential, and harness their creativity to develop a lifelong interest in music of all kinds. 

Accommodation, Resources and Facilities 

2 music classrooms, each with a suite of computers 

6 practice rooms 

A rehearsal room 

High quality digital recording studio facility. 


We currently have two music teachers and 10 specialist peripatetic teachers, covering a range of instruments, such as: 


Woodwind – clarinet, flute, saxophone etc. 

Brass – trumpet, trombone etc. 


Drum kit 

Guitar – electric, acoustic and bass 

Piano and keyboard 




Key Stage Three: The National Curriculum for Music is followed considering the new Music Model Curriculum. Students are exposed to a broad range of music from different cultures, periods and composers including the greats. Students develop performance and listening skills through a range of classroom tasks ranging from band skills to whole class performances. An emphasis is placed on using key terminology and literacy to talk confidently about music they listen to. Students are engaged and motivated by the range of music covered.   


Key Stage Four: We teach GCSE Music in Years 10-11 and classes have 4 one hour lessons per fortnight. 


Sixth Form

We offer Eduqas A-Level Music. Students have gone on to study music at university. 


GCSE Textbooks and Revision Guides 


If parents wish to purchase books to help with their child's learning, here is a recommended list: 


WJEC/Eduqas GCSE Music Revision Guide: Revised Edition 


Extra-curricular Provision 

The Department runs an impressive range of enrichment activities including:- 

Whole School Choir 

Ukulele Group 

Glee Club 

Musical Theatre Band 

String Group 

Chamber Choir 

Flute Choir 

There are also several student run ensembles. 

Each year we stage a Christmas concert and a Spring Concert. 

There are numerous other opportunities for performance and our students regularly perform at local schools and community venues. 

Every year there is a major musical theatre production. Recent productions include: 

'Guys and Dolls'

Sister Act'

‘Addams Family’ 


‘Into the Woods’ 

‘Our House’ 


‘Little Shop of Horrors’ 



To see our latest Concert please click here: