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Examination Results

Key Stage 4 Results 2024

We would like to congratulate all our students who have received GCSE and vocational results. After the uncertainty over the last few years, our students will be celebrating some fantastic grades that reward their resilience, ambition, and hard work.
Achieving these results has been a superb team effort. As our Headteacher, Andrew Morrison, commented:
“I am absolutely delighted at the results our Key Stage 4 students have achieved. Their focus and commitment since returning from various lockdowns has been notable and I am pleased that students' hard work has paid off. These results have not simply been achieved by the students alone. Our young people have been ably supported by their families and Furze Platt Senior School staff. This support network has helped create the ambition, drive and positivity that has ensured our students are rewarded today and I would like to thank all members of our community who contributed to these achievements. Finally, like all Furze Platt Senior School staff, I would once again like to congratulate our students and hope that they enjoy celebrating their grades.”
As much as the results themselves, we also congratulate students for the destinations these grades have helped them reach. We will welcome most of our Year 11 students back to Furze Platt Senior School Sixth Form in September and we look forward to seeing their continued success. For other students progressing to apprenticeships and colleges, we send them every best wish as they focus on new goals and ambitions.
Finally, we hope that our students enjoy celebrating their successes and send them good luck as they embark on their next stage of their lives.

Key Stage 5 Results 2023

Many congratulations to all our Key Stage 5 students who have received their A Level, BTEC and Technical results. The grades reflect the hard work and commitment of students, and we are delighted that so many will be celebrating success. 

For our students, these grades are a passport to the next stage of their lives. Many have been accepted by universities. For example, our students will be taking up courses ranging from Mathematics to Chemistry, Architecture to Mechanical Engineering, English Literature to Human Geography, Fine Art to Law, Psychology to Acting and Musical Theatre at universities across the country, including prestigious Russell Group universities, as well as universities in the USA. 

For other students, their results will enable them to take up places on apprenticeships and in the workforce, in the UK and abroad. These include apprenticeships from the IT sales, Music Production and in hospitality and the leisure industry.

Numerous members of the Furze Platt Senior School community, including our students, have contributed to these results and we would like to pay tribute to their efforts. The skill and commitment of the Furze Platt Senior School staff has helped support and educate students to realise their ambitions. Families and friends have supported students through their education. We are all able to celebrate today thanks to a fantastic team effort which has supported our students to achieve excellence. 

Wherever our students are progressing, we wish them every success in the future. Our Head of Sixth Form, Pete Ging, summed up our feelings: “I am thrilled for all of our students who have achieved brilliant results today in their A-Levels or Vocational Level 3 courses. 

The students have worked so hard over the course of the last two years and fully deserve their success, especially considering this year group had not taken formal GCSE examinations due to the COVID pandemic. 

Students can now enjoy the prospect of preparing for university, apprenticeship or employment plans and I'm sure will be as successful in these ventures as they have been in their examinations. A huge well done to our Year 13 students!

Finally, we hope that students and their families continue to celebrate their results and that students revel in the opportunities their grades will bring.    

We encourage our students to stay in touch so that we can learn about their lives beyond Furze Platt Senior School.  You can see where our students went on to here: Destinations.

Please click here to see KS4 exam results. 

Please click here to see KS5 exam results. 

Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years.